‘STAYC’s agency’ Hi Up Entertainment is looking for the next generation of K-pop stars! Audition for the National Tour in January!.
2022 12 07

Hi Up Entertainment will hold an audition for the national tour in Korea in 2023.
Hi Up Entertainment recently posted a poster and announcement for ‘2023 Hi, Upcoming Audition In Korea’ on its official SNS.
This audition is a national tour audition that Hi-Up Entertainment is working hard to find new artists. High Up Entertainment, which includes STAYC, which has established themselves as a ‘fourth-generation popular idol’, and Black Eyed Pilseung, the top production team who made STAYC, is drawing keen attention by introducing the exhaustive system.
Starting with Cheonan on January 4, Hi Up Entertainment will tour 10 cities across the country, including Daejeon, Gwangju, Jeju, Busan, Daegu, and Seoul, and hold a total of 10 auditions. Audition participants can choose between singing, rap, and dance, and anyone born in 2004 to 2011 can apply regardless of gender or nationality.
Applications that began on the 5th can be submitted by 5 p.m. the day before each audition. During this period, applications are also available at each audition venue.
Detailed information related to the audition can be found on the official SNS channel of Hi Up Entertainment.